Thursday, April 26, 2007

Hello from Bali!

Wow, it's been a crazy last few days since I left the States. The plane flights were definitely not fun, bad food, crying children, and uncomfortable seats. It's all worth once your here, trust me. I spent my first day finding a place to stay and surfing the break out in front, Pandei, in Kuta Beach. Its a beach break, great for learning to surf, but not what I came here for. I awoke my 2nd day bright and early and headed on my trusty moped for Uluwatu. After a tank of petrol (gas) and some close encounters with head on traffic (they drive on the left hand side of the street, which takes some time to get used to) I finally found the place, and it was well worth the effort. It's a beautiful left point break with 3 separate peaks, Temples, Peak, and Racetracks. I've been surfing Temples because thats the biggest spot, as it's the first peak the swells hit. Today I got my first epic barrel, standing up tall under the lip. Definitely nothing I've experienced in the States. It's great at Ulu, you get done with a surf, have a $2 lunch thats great, and follow it up with a 30 minute massage for only $5. I tell ya, if I didnt have a damn car and bills to pay, I'd move here in a heart beat. I plan on trying some new surf spots the next couple days. I've met many locals, Aussie's, Brazilians, and French. Everyone is so happy here, you can tell they get jealous when I tell them I'm here for 2 months. It's good to be unemployed ; )

I would like to post pictures, but the machine I'm at doesn't have a USB port, can you believe it? Anyways, I'll figure something out because I've got some great shots of surf, statues, and just the local vibes. As far as food goes here, I've had pizza (the best!), hamburgers (had everything on it, plus cucumbers, actually very good), and banana pancakes (while listening to Jack Johnson watching perfect Ulu's). I swear to God, please make this your next trip. If you don't surf there's so much more to do. The water is amazing, great fishing, and in Kuta you can party like no other. Honestly, I haven't partied yet, I'm more stoked on waking up early and hitting the surf so I have time for 2-3 sessions. However, I plan on going out tomorrow seeing that it's Friday night. Ever since the bombing (at the Suri Club a few years ago) a lot of people stay away from Legian street, which is sad because they have great shopping and upscale malls as well as bars. I won't worry much about that though, because it's not the main season, not until June.

I finally found out how to get to Ulu's without getting lost, which says alot, because the driving is so crazy and everywhere looks the same. I don't know if I like staying in Kuta, it's like living ON Main Street and it's Saturday night all day every day. I might spend a week right on Uluwatu, because it's so cheap, mellow, and surf is consistent. I hope you guys like the update. I miss everyone so much. It'll be great when my friends (Grayson, Mylan, Nick, Todd, Tommy, and Jasmon) come out here. It's gonna blow their minds, I promise. We're definitely gonna own it out here together with a group like ours. I hope that by the time they come I can get to all the surf spots without getting lost, it will save all of them so much time on there trip. I would love to have someone taking me around, it almost makes you want to stay put, but nope, gotta suck it up and throw yourselves to the wolves.

I almost forgot, I saw my first monkeys yesterday and they're a trip! So funny to watch them fight and play with each other (and themselves!haha). Thanks for taking the time to follow up with me on my trip. I hope you guys like my first update and I promise to try and get some photos on here.

Until next time, I love and miss you all!


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