Saturday, April 28, 2007

Photos! I'm dialed in now!

Here are some photos I've been able to upload, it takes awhile so I will try to get a few a day. Enjoy!
Me and the boys at the airport wishing me a farewell. See you guys in 1 month!

Here's a shot of a guy about to get shacked at Ulu from today.

I love this shot, it's of Outside Corner at Uluwatu, also from today. When it's breaking you know it's on!

This is a statue I see everyday on the way to Uluwatu.

I hope you guys like these! There's more on the way. I've got photos of me surfing I will put up now that I know how...I just have to go buy them tomorrow at Uluwatu. You can leave comments by clicking "add comment" below. You don't have to be a member to do it. I want to hear from you!


Anonymous said...

heck yeah, now you know what its all about!~ see ya soon!

Anonymous said...

Hey buddy.....COUGAR!!!!

Anonymous said...

Interesting to know.